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.. _getting_started:
Quickstart Guide
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.. contents::
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Galaxy clusters are the largest gravitationally bound objects in the universe
and the current endpoints of the process of cosmological structure formation.
Clusters are made of dark matter (DM), the hot, magnetized, and X-ray-emitting
gas known as the intracluster medium (ICM), and their constituent galaxies.
For many applications, especially those focusing on the properties of the DM
and ICM, clusters can be approximated as roughly spherically symmetric objects.
This is often done using standard radial profiles for the various physical
properties of the cluster, as well as assuming hydrostatic and virial equilibrium.
These models are especially useful for semi-analytic studies and idealized
N-body / (magneto)hydrodynamic simulations of clusters, whether of single objects
or mergers between two or more. This is the purpose of the ``cluster_generator``
package, which generates equilibrium cluster models from radial profile inputs.
These models can be used to produce distributions of gas, DM, and star particles
in hydrostatic and virial equilibrium for input into simulations. There is also
the ability to create magnetic or velocity fields in three dimensions based on
the properties of the cluster(s) which are modeled. Finally, ``cluster_generator``
can be used to set up initial conditions for single-cluster or merger simulations
for a number of N-body/hydrodynamic codes used in the astrophysics community.
.. _installation:
Installing the Package
The ``cluster_generator`` package can be obtained for python versions 3.8 and up. The first step towards working with CG is
obtaining the package. There are a few ways to do this, we encourage you to choose the best option from those below and follow their
instructions to obtain the package:
.. dropdown:: :raw-html:`🌐` From PyPI
.. admonition:: Not Yet Implemented
Pardon our dust, we've not quite finished implementing this feature. We will update this page once this feature
is finished.
.. dropdown:: :raw-html:`📡` From PIP
.. admonition:: Not Yet Implemented
Pardon our dust, we've not quite finished implementing this feature. We will update this page once this feature
is finished.
.. dropdown:: :raw-html:`🐍` From CONDA
.. admonition:: Not Yet Implemented
Pardon our dust, we've not quite finished implementing this feature. We will update this page once this feature
is finished.
.. dropdown:: :raw-html:`📃` From Source [Recommended]
Installing the library directly from the source code is surprisingly easy! To get started, navigate to the directory
in which you would like to place the raw source code and use the following git command:
.. code-block:: bash
pip install git+https://www.github.com/jzuhone/cluster_generator
This will generate a clone of the code in your local directory and install the software all at the same time.
``cluster_generator`` is compatible with Python 3.8+, and requires the following
Python packages:
- `unyt `_ [Units and quantity manipulations]
- `numpy `_ [Numerical operations]
- `scipy `_ [Interpolation and curve fitting]
- `h5py `_ [h5 file interaction]
- `tqdm `_ [Progress bars]
- `ruamel.yaml `_ [yaml support]
- `dill `_ [Serialization]
- `halo `_ [Progress Spinners]
- `pandas `_ [Dataset Manipulations]
These will be installed automatically if you use ``pip`` or ``conda`` as detailed below.
.. note::
There are a variety of additional libraries which provide very useful interfacing utilities for CG. Though not required,
we do recommend installing the following libraries to maximize the utility of the package:
- [`yt project `_]: Used to generate in-memory, 3D-grid datasets for the models and ICs generated in
cluster generator. This can be used to generate plots, measure profiles and complete other useful pre-simulation tasks.
- [`PyXSIM `_]: PyXSIM can be used to generate simulated photon lists
from yt datasets which can then be analyzed to get spectra and which can be passed to an instrumentation simulator for mock observation.
- [`SOXS `_]: Complementing PyXSIM, SOXS is an instrument simulator which allows users to convert photon lists from PyXSIM into
mock observations to be studied.
.. raw:: html
Getting Started
To begin using ``cluster_generator``, first install the library by following the instructions in the :ref:`installation` section.
Once you've installed the package, have a look at the note on unit conventions (:ref:`here`). Once you're familiar with the units,
we recommend you begin on this page by reading through our quickstart guide to get your feet wet.
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Quickstart Guides
.. card-carousel:: 3
.. card:: Your First Journey with CG
:link: _notebooks/examples/FirstJourney
:link-type: doc
Learn the basics of CG while taking a model of galaxy cluster Abell 133
all the way from literature to RAMSES simulation. This guide will show you
the basic pipeline from analytical profiles to actually running a simulation.
|beginner| |20min|
.. card:: The Gravitational Wonderland
Learn the is and outs of CG's non-Newtonian gravitational theories in this
step by step guide for producing MONDian simulations.
|beginner| |20min| |feature| |nyi|
.. card:: Collections
Learn how to pull cluster models directly from literature using the
:py:mod:`collection` module.
|beginner| |10min| |feature| |nyi|
.. card:: Virialization Methods
Learn about the ins and outs of virialization in CG's initial conditions.
|intermediate| |20min| |nyi|
.. card:: Correcting Non-Physical Behaviors
In this guide, we consider the cluster A133 and its analytical model, which is
non-physical in certain radii. We show the tools available for correcting these
|beginner| |20min| |nyi|
If you're already somewhat familiar with
the code and you're looking for something a little more in depth, the following sections may provide a more concrete introduction to
many of the core aspects of the code:
The best place to start is :ref:`radial_profiles`, to see which analytical radial profile models for gas, DM,
and star properties can be used to create equilibrium models, which are discussed
in the :ref:`cluster_models` section. This section begins with some helpful mathematical
background in :ref:`math_overview_models`. For some, this may be all you need.
However, if you want to use these models to generate particles for simulations or
other analysis, check out the :ref:`particles` section. For setting up DM and/or
star particles in virial equilibrium, :ref:`math_overview_particles` provides a
mathematical overview.
If you want to create 3-dimensional magnetic or velocity fields based on the
cluster properties, check out :ref:`fields`.
Finally, though one can follow all of the steps individually to create initial
conditions for simulations, ``cluster_generator`` provides some handy tools and
documentation to create initial conditions for a number of popular codes in the
:ref:`initial_conditions` and :ref:`codes` sections.
Code examples are given throughout the text, but some fully-worked examples of
generating models from start to finish are given in the :ref:`examples` section.
.. _units:
The unit system assumed in ``cluster_generator`` is designed to use units
appropriate for cluster scales:
* Length: :math:`{\rm kpc}`
* Time: :math:`{\rm Myr}`
* Mass: :math:`{\rm M_\odot}`
From these three, the units for other quantities, such as density, pressure,
specific energy, gravitational potential, etc. are straighforwardly derived.
These are the units which will be assumed for all inputs (whether arrays or
scalars) to the functions in ``cluster_generator``, unless otherwise specified
in the documentation and/or docstrings. What this means in practice is that if
one supplies an input without units, it is assumed to be in the above units
depending on the type of input (e.g., position, velocity, etc.). If you supply
an input with units attached from `yt `_ or
`unyt `_, it will be converted to the above units
internally before performing any calculations.
Some examples:
Most quantities which are returned as outputs of ``cluster_generator`` functions
have units attached, using `unyt `_. These are usually in the above unit system.
For some output quantities, these units are sometimes used:
* Number density: :math:`{\rm cm^{-3}}`
* Temperature: :math:`{\rm keV}`
* Entropy: :math:`{\rm keV~cm^2}`
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