Simulation Software#
The hallmark of the CG is the ability to generate 1 model in cluster_generator
and export it to a variety of simulation codes
with ease. On this page, we’ve provided a list of the various simulation software we support and some software specific tips on
how to use each of them.
3.0 hydrodynamics code [FrOlRi] (developed at the University of Chicago) is an all purpose simulation
code which relies on adaptive mesh refinement and the piecewise-parabolic method (PPM).
simulation setup GalaxyClusterMerger
can be used with the
inputs to cluster_generator
to perform a single-cluster simulation or a
binary merger. GalaxyClusterMerger
has two modes in which it can be run in:
, which uses rigid potentials to represent the dark matter and
stars, or SelfGravity
, which represents the dark matter and stars as
particles. GalaxyClusterMerger
also supports the inclusion of a tangled
magnetic field in the simulations.
(GPU-accelerated Adaptive MEsh Refinement code [ScTsCh]) utilizes a modified AMR approach designed
to utilize the acceleration potential of GPUs.
simulation setup ClusterMerger
can be used with the inputs to
to perform a single-cluster simulation, binary merger, or
a triple merger. The required, optional, and recommended Makefile
for the ClusterMerger
setup are as follows:
(required, n =Merger_Coll_NumHalos+Merger_Coll_UseMetals
, see below )SIMU_OPTION += -DMHD
(optional, for simulations with magnetic fields)SIMU_OPTION += -DEOS=EOS_GAMMA
(required, supports the type and halo attributes)SIMU_OPTION += -DGPU
(recommended)SIMU_OPTION += -DOPENMP
(recommended)SIMU_OPTION += -DSUPPORT_HDF5
[WeSpPa] is a smooth-particle hydrodynamics simulation software developed at the Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics.
CG can be used to create HDF5-based initial conditions for
one, two, or three clusters for an idealized merger simulation for the Arepo code.
The way to do this is to create a Gadget-like HDF5 initial conditions file:
After generating the initial conditions file, the ICs will need to be processed
through two steps before the simulation proper can be run. The first step is to
add a background grid of cells to the particle distribution. This is done with
Config option in Arepo. The Arepo configuration
options to be enabled in
for this step include:
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
code is a multipurpose AMR software developed by Romain Teyssier. Because of its
support for minimally invasive patching, RAMSES
supports a variety of options for non-newtonian gravity, sub-grid physics, and other
adaptations. In particular, RAMSES
is the only code supported by CG which is capable of performing MONDian simulations.
Due to the variety of options regarding setting up RAMSES
for use with CG, interested users should read the guide below for a
full breakdown of what can be done with RAMSES
and CG
In this guide, we show you how to run a simulation in RAMSES from CG models.
Coming soon!
Fryxell, B., Olson, K., Ricker, P., Timmes, F. X., Zingale, M., Lamb, D. Q., … & Tufo, H. (2000). FLASH: An adaptive mesh hydrodynamics code for modeling astrophysical thermonuclear flashes. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 131(1), 273.
Schive, H. Y., Tsai, Y. C., & Chiueh, T. (2010). GAMER: a graphic processing unit accelerated adaptive-mesh-refinement code for astrophysics. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 186(2), 457.
Weinberger, R., Springel, V., & Pakmor, R. (2020). The Arepo public code release. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 248(2), 32.