:py:class:`radial_profiles.RadialProfile` objects and associated tools for working with analytically defined profiles.
import inspect
import numpy as np
#: Alternative factor for rho(r) in NFW profiles. See `the wiki<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navarro%E2%80%93Frenk%E2%80%93White_profile>`_
_nfw_factor = lambda conc: 1.0 / (np.log(conc + 1.0) - conc / (1.0 + conc))
class RadialProfile:
The :py:class:`radial_profiles.RadialProfile` class acts as a wrapper on standard functions to represent radial profiles
for different physical variables.
profile: :py:class:`radial_profiles.RadialProfile` or callable
The radial profile to attribute to the object. The radial profile must be callable (i.e. ``lambda`` function) or
another instance of :py:class:`radial_profiles.RadialProfile`.
#: The built-in options for :py:class:`~radial_profiles.RadialProfile` objects.
builtin = [
_characteristic_range = [
] # Used for defining equality (needed for testing consistency)
def __init__(self, profile, name=None):
#: The profile name.
self.name = name
if isinstance(profile, RadialProfile):
self.profile = profile.profile
self.profile = profile
def __call__(self, r):
return self.profile(r)
def __str__(self):
if self.name is None:
return object.__str__(self)
return f"RadialProfile; type={self.name}."
def __repr__(self):
if self.name is None:
return object.__repr__(self)
return f"RadialProfile; type={self.name}."
def _do_op(self, other, op):
if hasattr(other, "profile"):
p = lambda r: op(self.profile(r), other.profile(r))
p = lambda r: op(self.profile(r), other)
return p
def __add__(self, other):
p = self._do_op(other, np.add)
return RadialProfile(p)
def __mul__(self, other):
p = self._do_op(other, np.multiply)
return RadialProfile(p)
__radd__ = __add__
__rmul__ = __mul__
def __pow__(self, power):
p = lambda r: self.profile(r) ** power
return RadialProfile(p)
def __eq__(self, other):
ar = np.linspace(*self._characteristic_range, 1000)
return np.array_equal(self(ar), other(ar))
def add_core(self, r_core, alpha):
Add a core to the pre-existing profile.
r_core : float
The core radius in kpc.
alpha : float
The power-low index inside the exponential.
``add_core`` is implemented by taking the existing profile :math:`f(r)` and altering it such that
.. math::
f'(r) = \left(1-\exp\left(\frac{-r}{r_{core}}\right)^\alpha\right) f(r).
This will cause any cuspy profile (i.e. one for which :math:`\left.\frac{d}{dr} f(r)\right|_{r=0} > 0` and which grows
faster than the exponential term added to instead contain a core and go to 0 in its limit.
def _core(r):
x = r / r_core
ret = 1.0 - np.exp(-(x**alpha))
return self.profile(r) * ret
return RadialProfile(_core)
def cutoff(self, r_cut, k=5):
Generate a truncated form of the profile.
r_cut: float or int
The cutoff radius beyond which the truncation should dominate the profile behavior [kpc].
k: int
The truncation rate. Higher ``k`` will cause the truncation to go to zero faster.
The corresponding :py:class:`~radial_profiles.RadialProfile` object with the truncated profile.
The truncation is achieved by multiplying the profile by the factor
.. math::
def _cutoff(r):
x = r / r_cut
step = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-2 * k * (x - 1)))
p = self.profile(r) * (1.0 - step)
return p
return RadialProfile(_cutoff)
def from_array(cls, r, f_r):
Generate a callable radial profile using an array of radii
and an array of values.
r : array-like
Array of radii in kpc.
f_r : array-like
Array of profile values in the appropriate units.
The corresponding radial profile.
This function uses ``scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline`` to generate a continuous spectrum. May lead to problematic behavior
beyond the intended radii.
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
f = UnivariateSpline(r, f_r)
return cls(f)
def built_in(cls, name, *args):
"""Initialize a :py:class:`~radial_profiles.RadialProfile` from the specified name and given args."""
if name in cls.builtin:
return globals()[name](*args)
raise ValueError(f"The name {name} is either not builtin or is incorrect.")
def from_binary(cls, f):
Load a specific instance of a :py:class:`~radial_profiles.RadialProfile` object from the serialized version of the instance saved to disk.
f: str
The filename to open. Should be a valid ``.rp`` file type.
The :py:class:`~radial_profiles.RadialProfile` object on disk.
import dill as pickle
with open(f, "rb") as bf:
return pickle.load(bf)
def to_binary(self, f):
Send the :py:class:`~radial_profiles.RadialProfile` instance to a serialized binary file.
f: str
The preferred filename. For consistency, binary files should have ``.rp`` extension; however, this is not required.
import dill as pickle
with open(f, "wb") as bf:
pickle.dump(self, bf)
def plot(self, rmin, rmax, num_points=1000, fig=None, ax=None, **kwargs):
Make a quick plot of a profile using Matplotlib.
rmin : float
The minimum radius of the plot in kpc.
rmax : float
The maximum radius of the plot in kpc.
num_points : integer, optional
The number of logspaced points between rmin
and rmax to use when making the plot. Default: 1000
fig : :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure`, optional
A Figure instance to plot in. Default: None, one will be
created if not provided.
ax : :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional
An Axes instance to plot in. Default: None, one will be
created if not provided.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rc("font", size=18)
plt.rc("axes", linewidth=2)
if fig is None:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
if ax is None:
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
rr = np.logspace(np.log10(rmin), np.log10(rmax), num_points, endpoint=True)
ax.loglog(rr, self(rr), **kwargs)
ax.set_xlabel("Radius (kpc)")
ax.tick_params(which="major", width=2, length=6)
ax.tick_params(which="minor", width=2, length=3)
return fig, ax
def constant_profile(const):
Provide constant profile.
const : float
The value of the constant.
p = lambda r: const
return RadialProfile(p, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def power_law_profile(A, r_s, alpha):
A profile which is a power-law with radius, scaled
so that it has a certain value ``A`` at a scale
radius ``r_s``. Can be used as a density, temperature,
mass, or entropy profile (or whatever else one may
A : float
Scale value of the profile at r = r_s.
r_s : float
Scale radius in kpc.
alpha : float
Power-law index of the profile.
p = lambda r: A * (r / r_s) ** alpha
return RadialProfile(p, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def beta_model_profile(rho_c, r_c, beta):
A beta-model density profile [CaFu76]_.
rho_c : float
The core density in Msun/kpc**3.
r_c : float
The core radius in kpc.
beta : float
The beta parameter.
The corresponding radial profile object.
.. [CaFu76] (Cavaliere A.,Fusco-Femiano R., 1976, A&A, 49, 137).
p = lambda r: rho_c * ((1 + (r / r_c) ** 2) ** (-1.5 * beta))
return RadialProfile(p, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def hernquist_density_profile(M_0, a):
A Hernquist density profile [Hern90]_.
M_0 : float
The total mass in Msun.
a : float
The scale radius in kpc.
The corresponding radial profile object.
.. [Hern90] (Hernquist, L. 1990, ApJ, 356, 359).
p = lambda r: M_0 / (2.0 * np.pi * a**3) / ((r / a) * (1.0 + r / a) ** 3)
return RadialProfile(p, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def cored_hernquist_density_profile(M_0, a, b):
A Hernquist density profile [Hern90]_ with a core radius.
M_0 : float
The total mass in Msun.
a : float
The scale radius in kpc.
b : float
The core radius in kpc.
The corresponding radial profile object.
p = (
lambda r: M_0
* b
/ (2.0 * np.pi * a**3)
/ ((1.0 + b * r / a) * (1.0 + r / a) ** 3)
return RadialProfile(p, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def hernquist_mass_profile(M_0, a):
A Hernquist mass profile [Hern90]_.
M_0 : float
The total mass in Msun.
a : float
The scale radius in kpc.
The corresponding radial profile object.
p = lambda r: M_0 * r**2 / (r + a) ** 2
return RadialProfile(p, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def convert_nfw_to_hernquist(M_200, r_200, conc):
Given M200, r200, and a concentration parameter for an
NFW profile [NaFrW90]_, return the Hernquist ([Hern90]_) mass and scale radius
M_200 : float
The mass of the halo at r200 in Msun.
r_200 : float
The radius corresponding to the overdensity of 200 times the
critical density of the universe in kpc.
conc : float
The concentration parameter r200/r_s for the NFW profile.
The corresponding radial profile object.
.. [NaFrW90] (Navarro, Julio F.; Frenk, Carlos S.; White, Simon D. M.; 1997ApJ...490..493N)
a = r_200 / (np.sqrt(0.5 * conc * conc * _nfw_factor(conc)) - 1.0)
M0 = M_200 * (r_200 + a) ** 2 / r_200**2
return M0, a
def nfw_density_profile(rho_s, r_s):
An NFW density profile [NaFrW90]_.
rho_s : float
The scale density in Msun/kpc**3.
r_s : float
The scale radius in kpc.
The corresponding radial profile object.
p = lambda r: rho_s / ((r / r_s) * (1.0 + r / r_s) ** 2)
return RadialProfile(p, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def nfw_mass_profile(rho_s, r_s):
An NFW mass profile [NaFrW90]_.
rho_s : float
The scale density in Msun/kpc**3.
r_s : float
The scale radius in kpc.
The corresponding radial profile object.
def _nfw(r):
x = r / r_s
return 4 * np.pi * rho_s * r_s**3 * (np.log(1 + x) - x / (1 + x))
return RadialProfile(_nfw, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def nfw_scale_density(conc, z=0.0, delta=200.0, cosmo=None):
Compute a scale density parameter for an NFW profile [NaFrW90]_
given a concentration parameter, and optionally
a redshift, overdensity, and cosmology.
conc : float
The concentration parameter for the halo, which should
correspond the selected overdensity (which has a default
of 200).
z : float, optional
The redshift of the halo formation. Default: 0.0
delta : float, optional
The overdensity parameter for which the concentration
is defined. Default: 200.0
cosmo : yt Cosmology object
The cosmology to be used when computing the critical
density. If not supplied, a default one from yt will
be used.
The corresponding radial profile object.
from yt.utilities.cosmology import Cosmology
if cosmo is None:
cosmo = Cosmology()
rho_crit = cosmo.critical_density(z).to_value("Msun/kpc**3")
rho_s = delta * rho_crit * conc**3 * _nfw_factor(conc) / 3.0
return rho_s
def tnfw_density_profile(rho_s, r_s, r_t):
A truncated NFW [NaFrW90]_ (tNFW) density profile [BaMaO09]_.
rho_s : float
The scale density in Msun/kpc**3.
r_s : float
The scale radius in kpc.
r_t : float
The truncation radius in kpc.
The corresponding radial profile object.
.. [BaMaO09] (Baltz, E.A.,Marshall, P., & Oguri, M. 2009, JCAP, 2009, 015)
def _tnfw(r):
profile = rho_s / ((r / r_s) * (1 + r / r_s) ** 2)
profile /= 1 + (r / r_t) ** 2
return profile
return RadialProfile(_tnfw, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def tnfw_mass_profile(rho_s, r_s, r_t):
A truncated NFW (tNFW) mass profile [BaMaO09]_.
rho_s : float
The scale density in Msun/kpc**3.
r_s : float
The scale radius in kpc.
r_t : float
The truncation radius in kpc.
The corresponding radial profile object.
from sympy import Symbol, integrate, lambdify
xx = Symbol("x")
aa = Symbol("a")
yy = Symbol("y")
f = integrate(xx**2 / (xx * (1 + xx) ** 2) / (1 + (xx / aa) ** 2), (xx, 0, yy))
fl = lambdify((yy, aa), f, modules="numpy")
def _tnfw(r):
x = r / r_s
a = r_t / r_s
return 4 * np.pi * rho_s * r_s**3 * fl(x, a).astype("float64")
return RadialProfile(_tnfw, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def snfw_density_profile(M, a):
A "super-NFW" density profile [LiWyS18]_.
M : float
The total mass in Msun.
a : float
The scale radius in kpc.
The corresponding radial profile object.
.. [LiWyS18] (Lilley, E. J., Wyn Evans, N., & Sanders, J.L. 2018, MNRAS)
def _snfw(r):
x = r / a
return 3.0 * M / (16.0 * np.pi * a**3) / (x * (1.0 + x) ** 2.5)
return RadialProfile(_snfw, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def snfw_mass_profile(M, a):
A "super-NFW" mass profile [LiWyS18]_.
M : float
The total mass in Msun.
a : float
The scale radius in kpc.
The corresponding radial profile object.
def _snfw(r):
x = r / a
return M * (1.0 - (2.0 + 3.0 * x) / (2.0 * (1.0 + x) ** 1.5))
return RadialProfile(_snfw, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def snfw_total_mass(mass, radius, a):
Find the total mass parameter for the super-NFW
model [LiWyS18]_ by inputting a reference mass and radius
(say, M200c and R200c), along with the scale radius.
mass : float
The input mass in Msun.
radius : float
The input radius that the input ``mass`` corresponds to in kpc.
a : float
The scale radius in kpc.
The corresponding radial profile object.
mp = snfw_mass_profile(1.0, a)
return mass / mp(radius)
def cored_snfw_density_profile(M, a, r_c):
A cored "super-NFW" density profile [LiWyS18]_.
M : float
The total mass in Msun.
a : float
The scale radius in kpc.
r_c : float
The core radius in kpc.
The corresponding radial profile object.
b = a / r_c
def _snfw(r):
x = r / a
return (
3.0 * M * b / (16.0 * np.pi * a**3) / ((1.0 + b * x) * (1.0 + x) ** 2.5)
return RadialProfile(_snfw, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def cored_snfw_mass_profile(M, a, r_c):
A cored "super-NFW" mass profile [LiWyS18]_.
M : float
The total mass in Msun.
a : float
The scale radius in kpc.
r_c : float
The core radius in kpc.
The corresponding radial profile object.
b = a / r_c
def _snfw(r):
x = r / a
y = np.complex128(np.sqrt(x + 1.0))
d = np.sqrt(np.complex128(b / (1.0 - b)))
e = b * (b - 1.0) ** 2
ret = (1.0 - 1.0 / y) * (b - 2.0) / (b - 1.0) ** 2
ret += (1.0 / y**3 - 1.0) / (3.0 * (b - 1.0))
ret += d * (np.arctan(y * d) - np.arctan(d)) / e
return 1.5 * M * b * ret.astype("float64")
return RadialProfile(_snfw, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def snfw_conc(conc_nfw):
Given an NFW concentration parameter, calculate the
corresponding sNFW concentration parameter. This comes
from Equation 31 of [LiWyS18]_.
conc_nfw : float
NFW concentration for r200c.
The corresponding radial profile object.
return 0.76 * conc_nfw + 1.36
def cored_snfw_total_mass(mass, radius, a, r_c):
Find the total mass parameter for the cored super-NFW
model [LiWyS18]_ by inputting a reference mass and radius
(say, M200c and R200c), along with the scale radius.
mass : float
The input mass in Msun.
radius : float
The input radius that the input ``mass`` corresponds to in kpc.
a : float
The scale radius in kpc.
r_c : float
The core radius in kpc.
The corresponding radial profile object.
mp = cored_snfw_mass_profile(1.0, a, r_c)
return mass / mp(radius)
_dn = lambda n: 3.0 * n - 1.0 / 3.0 + 8.0 / (1215.0 * n) + 184.0 / (229635.0 * n * n)
def einasto_density_profile(M, r_s, n):
A density profile where the logarithmic slope is a
power-law [Eina65]_. The form here is that given in Section 2 of
M : float
The total mass of the profile in M.
r_s : float
The scale radius in kpc.
n : float
The inverse power-law index.
The corresponding radial profile object.
.. [Eina65] J. Einasto (1965), Kinematics and dynamics of stellar systems, Trudy Inst. Astrofiz. Alma-Ata 5, 87
.. [RvGB12] (Retana-Montenegro, E; et. al. 2012A&A...540A..70R)
from scipy.special import gamma
alpha = 1.0 / n
h = r_s / _dn(n) ** n
rho_0 = M / (4.0 * np.pi * h**3 * n * gamma(3.0 * n))
def _einasto(r):
s = r / h
return rho_0 * np.exp(-(s**alpha))
return RadialProfile(_einasto, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def einasto_mass_profile(M, r_s, n):
A mass profile where the logarithmic slope is a
power-law [Eina65]_. The form here is that given in Section 2 of
M : float
The total mass of the profile in M.
r_s : float
The scale radius in kpc.
n : float
The inverse power-law index.
The corresponding radial profile object.
from scipy.special import gammaincc
alpha = 1.0 / n
h = r_s / _dn(n) ** n
def _einasto(r):
s = r / h
return M * (1.0 - gammaincc(3.0 * n, s**alpha))
return RadialProfile(_einasto, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def am06_density_profile(rho_0, a, a_c, c, n):
The density profile for galaxy clusters suggested by [AsMa06]_.
Works best in concert with the :py:func:`radial_profiles.am06_temperature_profile`.
rho_0 : float
The scale density of the profile in Msun/kpc**3.
a : float
The scale radius in kpc.
a_c : float
The scale radius of the cool core in kpc.
c : float
The scale of the temperature drop of the cool core.
n : float
The integer scaling on alpha and beta.
The corresponding radial profile object.
.. [AsMa06] Ascasibar, Y., & Markevitch, M. 2006, ApJ, 650, 102.
alpha = -1.0 - n * (c - 1.0) / (c - a / a_c)
beta = 1.0 - n * (1.0 - a / a_c) / (c - a / a_c)
p = (
lambda r: rho_0
* (1.0 + r / a_c)
* (1.0 + r / a_c / c) ** alpha
* (1.0 + r / a) ** beta
return RadialProfile(p, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def ad07_density_profile(
T0, t, a, alpha, f, n=4, mu=0.6, omega_b=0.048, omega_dm=0.262
Pseudo-polytropic gas density profile from [AsDi08]_.
T0: float
(keV) The core temperature of the gas distribution.
t: float
(Dimensionless) value representing the degree of cooling in the cluster core.
a: float
(kpc) Scale length of both the temperature and density profiles.
alpha: float
(dimensionless) Ratio of a_c/a, a_c is the cooling radius.
f: float
(dimensionless) The gas fraction.
n: int, optional
(dimensionless) the polytropic index. Default is 4.
mu: float, optional
(dimensionless) the mean molecular mass of the gas. Default is 0.6
omega_b: float, optional
(dimensionless) the cosmic baryon fraction parameter. Default is 0.048.
omega_dm: float, optional
(dimensionless) the cosmic dark matter fraction parameter. Default is 0.262
The corresponding radial profile.
.. [AsDi08] Ascasibar & Diego, 2008MNRAS.383..369A
from unyt import physical_constants as const
from unyt import unyt_quantity
# - computing the mass norm -#
M = (
unyt_quantity(a, "kpc")
* (n + 1)
* unyt_quantity(T0, "keV")
/ (mu * const.mp * const.G)
M = M.to("Msun")
# - computing the density norm -#
rho0 = f * (omega_b / omega_dm) * (M / (2 * np.pi * unyt_quantity(a, "kpc") ** 3))
rho0 = rho0.to("Msun/kpc**3")
function = (
lambda r, A=a, T=t, ALPHA=alpha, N=4, RHO=rho0.d: RHO
* ((1 + (r / A)) / (T * ALPHA + (r / A)))
** (1 + ((ALPHA - T * ALPHA) * (1 - T * ALPHA)) * (N + 1))
* (ALPHA + (r / A))
/ ((1 + (r / A)) ** (N + 1))
return RadialProfile(function, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def vikhlinin_density_profile(rho_0, r_c, r_s, alpha, beta, epsilon, gamma=None):
A modified beta-model density profile for galaxy
clusters from [ViKrF06]_.
rho_0 : float
The scale density in Msun/kpc**3.
r_c : float
The core radius in kpc.
r_s : float
The scale radius in kpc.
alpha : float
The inner logarithmic slope parameter.
beta : float
The middle logarithmic slope parameter.
epsilon : float
The outer logarithmic slope parameter.
gamma : float
This parameter controls the width of the outer
transition. If None, it will be gamma = 3 by default.
The corresponding radial profile object.
if gamma is None:
gamma = 3.0
profile = (
lambda r: rho_0
* (r / r_c) ** (-0.5 * alpha)
* (1.0 + (r / r_c) ** 2) ** (-1.5 * beta + 0.25 * alpha)
* (1.0 + (r / r_s) ** gamma) ** (-0.5 * epsilon / gamma)
return RadialProfile(profile, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def ad07_temperature_profile(T0, t, a, alpha):
Pseudo-polytropic gas temperature profile from [AsDi08]_.
T0: float
(keV) The core temperature of the gas distribution.
t: float
(Dimensionless) value representing the degree of cooling in the cluster core.
a: float
(kpc) Scale length of both the temperature and density profiles.
alpha: float
(dimensionless) a_c/a
The corresponding radial profile.
function = lambda r, A=a, ALPHA=alpha, T=t, TEMP0=T0: (TEMP0 / (1 + (r / A))) * (
(T + (r / (ALPHA * A))) / (1 + (r / (ALPHA * A)))
return RadialProfile(function, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def vikhlinin_temperature_profile(T_0, a, b, c, r_t, T_min, r_cool, a_cool):
A temperature profile for galaxy clusters from [ViKrF06]_.
T_0 : float
The scale temperature of the profile in keV.
a : float
The inner logarithmic slope.
b : float
The width of the transition region.
c : float
The outer logarithmic slope.
r_t : float
The scale radius kpc.
T_min : float
The minimum temperature in keV.
r_cool : float
The cooling radius in kpc.
a_cool : float
The logarithmic slope in the cooling region.
The corresponding radial profile object.
.. [ViKrF06] Vikhlinin, A., Kravtsov, A., Forman, W., et al. 2006, ApJ, 640, 691.
def _temp(r):
x = (r / r_cool) ** a_cool
t = (r / r_t) ** (-a) / ((1.0 + (r / r_t) ** b) ** (c / b))
return T_0 * t * (x + T_min / T_0) / (x + 1)
return RadialProfile(_temp, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def am06_temperature_profile(T_0, a, a_c, c):
The temperature profile for galaxy clusters suggested by [AsMa06]_.
Works best in concert with the :py:func:`radial_profiles.am06_density_profile`.
T_0 : float
The scale temperature of the profile in keV.
a : float
The scale radius in kpc.
a_c : float
The cooling radius in kpc.
c : float
The scale of the temperature drop of the cool core.
The corresponding radial profile object.
p = lambda r: T_0 / (1.0 + r / a) * (c + r / a_c) / (1.0 + r / a_c)
return RadialProfile(p, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def baseline_entropy_profile(K_0, K_200, r_200, alpha):
The baseline entropy profile for galaxy clusters [VoKB05]_.
K_0 : float
The central entropy floor in keV*cm**2.
K_200 : float
The entropy at the radius r_200 in keV*cm**2.
r_200 : float
The virial radius in kpc.
alpha : float
The logarithmic slope of the profile.
The corresponding radial profile object.
.. [VoKB05] (Voit, G.M.,Kay, S.T., & Bryan, G.L. 2005, MNRAS, 364, 909).
p = lambda r: K_0 + K_200 * (r / r_200) ** alpha
return RadialProfile(p, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def broken_entropy_profile(r_s, K_scale, alpha, K_0=0.0):
"""Generate a broken entropy profile"""
def _entr(r):
x = r / r_s
ret = (x**alpha) * (1.0 + x**5) ** (0.2 * (1.1 - alpha))
return K_scale * (K_0 + ret)
return RadialProfile(_entr, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def walker_entropy_profile(r_200, A, B, K_scale, alpha=1.1):
"""Generate a walker entropy profile."""
def _entr(r):
x = r / r_200
return K_scale * (A * x**alpha) * np.exp(-((x / B) ** 2))
return RadialProfile(_entr, name=inspect.stack()[0][3])
def rescale_profile_by_mass(profile, mass, radius):
Rescale a density ``profile`` by a total ``mass``
within some ``radius``.
profile : ``RadialProfile`` object
The profile object to rescale.
mass : float
The input mass in Msun.
radius : float
The input radius that the input ``mass`` corresponds to in kpc.
from scipy.integrate import quad
mass_int = lambda r: profile(r) * r * r
rescale = mass / (4.0 * np.pi * quad(mass_int, 0.0, radius)[0])
return rescale * profile
def find_overdensity_radius(m, delta, z=0.0, cosmo=None):
Given a mass value and an overdensity, find the radius
that corresponds to that enclosed mass.
m : float
The enclosed mass.
delta : float
The overdensity to compute the radius for.
z : float, optional
The redshift of the halo formation. Default: 0.0
cosmo : yt ``Cosmology`` object
The cosmology to be used when computing the critical
density. If not supplied, a default one from yt will
be used.
from yt.utilities.cosmology import Cosmology
if cosmo is None:
cosmo = Cosmology()
rho_crit = cosmo.critical_density(z).to_value("Msun/kpc**3")
return (3.0 * m / (4.0 * np.pi * delta * rho_crit)) ** (1.0 / 3.0)
def find_radius_mass(m_r, delta, z=0.0, cosmo=None):
Given a mass profile and an overdensity, find the radius
and mass (e.g. M200, r200)
m_r : RadialProfile
The mass profile.
delta : float
The overdensity to compute the mass and radius for.
z : float, optional
The redshift of the halo formation. Default: 0.0
cosmo : yt ``Cosmology`` object
The cosmology to be used when computing the critical
density. If not supplied, a default one from yt will
be used.
from scipy.optimize import bisect
from yt.utilities.cosmology import Cosmology
if cosmo is None:
cosmo = Cosmology()
rho_crit = cosmo.critical_density(z).to_value("Msun/kpc**3")
f = lambda r: 3.0 * m_r(r) / (4.0 * np.pi * r**3) - delta * rho_crit
r_delta = bisect(f, 0.01, 10000.0)
return r_delta, m_r(r_delta)