
ProtoCluster.__init__(profiles, parameters, names, load_method)[source]#

Loads the ProtoCluster instance.

  • profiles (dict of str: callable or dict of str: str) –

    A dictionary containing the profile definitions for the cluster initialization. There are two available options for the formatting of each element in this argument:

    • If the dictionary value is a str type, then it is assumed to be a pre-defined profile already defined in the cluster_generator.radial_profiles module. If a corresponding built-in profile cannot be found, an error will be raised.

    • If the dictionary value is a callable instance of any kind, it is assumed to be a user defined function (either explicit or lambda). It will be wrapped in a cluster_generator.radial_profiles.RadialProfile instance during initialization.

  • parameters (dict of str: list) –

    A dictionary containing the parameters for the profiles. For each profile in profiles, there should be a corresponding key-value pair in the parameters argument containing a list with the values of each of the necessary parameters for the specific cluster being modeled.


    If the type of the elements in the list is float or int, then it will be assumed that these parameters are already following the unit conventions of the CGP. If there is any doubt, we recommend passing the parameters as unyt.array.unyt_quantity instances instead. These will be processed to the correct units before proceeding.

  • load_method (str) – The load_method should correspond to the analogous class method on model.ClusterModel for loading the full model instance. Typically, these should be something like from_dens_and_temp or from_dens_and_tden.