
ClusterModel.plot(field, r_min=None, r_max=None, fig=None, ax=None, defaults=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Plot a field vs radius from this model using Matplotlib.

  • field (string) – The field to plot.

  • r_min (float) – The minimum radius of the plot in kpc.

  • r_max (float) – The maximum radius of the plot in kpc.

  • fig (Matplotlib Figure) – The figure to plot in. Default; None, in which case one will be generated.

  • ax (Matplotlib Axes) – The axes to plot in. Default: None, in which case one will be generated.

  • defaults (dict) – A dictionary containing defaults for the specific field. This is loaded by default if left unset. The dictionary must contain keys 'label','scale','revision'. label must be a string with a formatting character of the form "%(units)s"; the scale make be any valid input to ax.set_yscale, and the revision should be 1 if the plot should be left as normal and -1 if the plot should be flipped over the x axis (gravitational potential).

Return type:

The Figure, Axes tuple used for the plot.