
ClusterModel.generate_gas_particles(num_particles, r_max=None, sub_sample=1, compute_potential=False, prng=None)[source]#

Generate a set of gas particles in hydrostatic equilibrium.

  • num_particles (integer) – The number of particles to generate.

  • r_max (float, optional) – The maximum radius in kpc within which to generate particle positions. If not supplied, it will generate positions out to the maximum radius available. Default: None

  • sub_sample (integer, optional) – This option allows one to generate a sub-sample of unique particle radii, densities, and energies which will then be repeated to fill the required number of particles. Default: 1, which means no sub-sampling.

  • compute_potential (boolean, optional) – If True, the gravitational potential for each particle will be computed. Default: False

  • prng (RandomState object, integer, or None) – A pseudo-random number generator. Typically will only be specified if you have a reason to generate the same set of random numbers, such as for a test. Default is None, which sets the seed based on the system time.