
class model.ClusterModel(fields, properties=None, dm_virial=None, star_virial=None)[source]#

The model.ClusterModel class is a comprehensive representation of the cluster being modeled and can be used to generate accurate initial conditions. The class is predicated on a fixed number of sample radii in the cluster.

  • fields (dict of str: unyt.array.unyt_array) – The fields to attribute to the model.ClusterModel.

  • properties (dict) – Additional properties to pass into the model.ClusterModel instance. These are found in the attribute. See the other parameters section for details on the available properties.

  • dm_virial (VirialEquilibrium, optional) – The virialization class to use for dark matter virialization. By default, it is None and will be set when necessary.

  • star_virial (VirialEquilibrium, optional) – The virialization class to use for stellar matter virialization. By default, it is None and will be set when necessary.


  • __getitem__ and __contains__ are aliased down to self.fields. There is no __setitem__, so index / key assignment cannot be done. use ClusterModel.set_field() instead.


__init__(fields[, properties, dm_virial, ...])

Initialize the model.ClusterModel instance.


Equivalent to self.dm_virial.check_virial


Determine the deviation of the model from hydrostatic equilibrium.


Equivalent to self.star_virial.check_virial


Correct the model.ClusterModel instance.

create_dataset(domain_dimensions[, ...])

find_field_at_radius(field, r)

Find the value of a field in the profiles at radius r.


Determine the radius at which the model reaches the specified density

from_arrays(fields[, stellar_density])

Initialize the model.ClusterModel from fields alone.

from_dens_and_entr(rmin, rmax, density, entropy)

Construct the model from density and entropy.

from_dens_and_tden(rmin, rmax, density, ...)

Construct a hydrostatic equilibrium model using gas density and total density profiles

from_dens_and_temp(rmin, rmax, density, ...)

Construct a hydrostatic equilibrium model using gas density and temperature profiles.

from_h5_file(filename[, r_min, r_max])

Initialize a model.ClusterModel instance from HDF5 file.

generate_dm_particles(num_particles[, ...])

Generate a set of dark matter particles in virial equilibrium.

generate_gas_particles(num_particles[, ...])

Generate a set of gas particles in hydrostatic equilibrium.

generate_star_particles(num_particles[, ...])

Generate a set of star particles in virial equilibrium.

generate_tracer_particles(num_particles[, ...])

Generate a set of tracer particles based on the gas distribution.


Equivalent to self.fields.items()


Equivalent to self.fields.keys()


Determine the mass within a given radius.

no_gas(rmin, rmax, total_density[, ...])

Initialize a model.ClusterModel which is composed only of collisionless species.

panel_plot([fields, r_min, r_max, fig, ...])

Plot all of the selected fields in a grid of axes.

plot(field[, r_min, r_max, fig, ax, defaults])

Plot a field vs radius from this model using Matplotlib.

set_field(name, value)

Set a field with name name to value value, which is an unyt_array.

set_magnetic_field_from_beta(beta[, gaussian])

Set a magnetic field radial profile from a plasma beta parameter, assuming beta = p_th/p_B.

set_magnetic_field_from_density(B0[, eta, ...])

Set a magnetic field radial profile assuming it is proportional to some power of the density, usually 2/3.


Truncate the model at a specified maximal radius.


Equivalent to self.fields.values()

write_model_to_ascii(output_filename[, ...])

Write the equilibrium model to an ascii text file.

write_model_to_binary(output_filename[, ...])

Write the model to unformatted Fortran binary.

write_model_to_h5(output_filename[, in_cgs, ...])

Write the equilibrium model to an HDF5 file.



The default included fields that can be accessed.


The virial.VirialEquilibrium instance associated with the dark matter virialization process.


Determines if the model.ClusterModel instance is physically realizable.


The properties of the model.ClusterModel instance.


The virial.VirialEquilibrium instance associated with the stellar virialization process.


The fields associated with the Potential object.


The number of elements in each field array.