Source code for model

CG Core module containing classes and method related to the :py:class:`model.ClusterModel` class for representing
physically self-consistent galaxy cluster models.
import os
from collections import OrderedDict

import h5py
import numpy as np
import yaml
from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz, quad
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
from unyt import unyt_array, unyt_quantity

from cluster_generator.particles import ClusterParticles
from cluster_generator.utils import (
from cluster_generator.virial import VirialEquilibrium

tt = 2.0 / 3.0
mtt = -tt
ft = 5.0 / 3.0
tf = 3.0 / 5.0
mtf = -tf
gamma = ft
et = 8.0 / 3.0
te = 3.0 / 8.0

[docs] class ClusterModel: r""" The :py:class:`model.ClusterModel` class is a comprehensive representation of the cluster being modeled and can be used to generate accurate initial conditions. The class is predicated on a fixed number of sample radii in the cluster. Parameters ---------- fields: dict of str: :py:class:`unyt.array.unyt_array` The fields to attribute to the :py:class:`model.ClusterModel`. properties: dict Additional properties to pass into the :py:class:`model.ClusterModel` instance. These are found in the :py:attr:`` attribute. See the other parameters section for details on the available properties. dm_virial: VirialEquilibrium, optional The virialization class to use for dark matter virialization. By default, it is None and will be set when necessary. star_virial: VirialEquilibrium, optional The virialization class to use for stellar matter virialization. By default, it is None and will be set when necessary. Notes ----- - ``__getitem__`` and ``__contains__`` are aliased down to ``self.fields``. There is no ``__setitem__``, so index / key assignment cannot be done. use ``ClusterModel.set_field()`` instead. """ #: The default included fields that can be accessed. default_fields = [ "density", "temperature", "pressure", "total_density", "gravitational_potential", "gravitational_field", "total_mass", "gas_mass", "dark_matter_mass", "dark_matter_density", "stellar_density", "stellar_mass", ] _keep_units = ["entropy", "electron_number_density", "magnetic_field_strength"]
[docs] def __init__(self, fields, properties=None, dm_virial=None, star_virial=None): """Initialize the :py:class:`model.ClusterModel` instance.""" #: The ``fields`` associated with the ``Potential`` object. self.fields = fields #: The number of elements in each ``field`` array. self.num_elements = len(self.fields["radius"]) if not properties: self._properties = {} else: self._properties = properties if "meth" not in self._properties: self._properties["meth"] = {} self._dm_virial = dm_virial self._star_virial = star_virial
def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.fields def __getitem__(self, item): return self.fields[item] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.fields[key] = value
[docs] def keys(self): """Equivalent to ``self.fields.keys()``""" return self.fields.keys()
[docs] def items(self): """Equivalent to ``self.fields.items()``""" return self.fields.items()
[docs] def values(self): """Equivalent to ``self.fields.values()``""" return self.fields.values()
@property def dm_virial(self): """ The :py:class:`virial.VirialEquilibrium` instance associated with the dark matter virialization process. """ if self._dm_virial is None: self._dm_virial = VirialEquilibrium(self, "dark_matter") return self._dm_virial @property def star_virial(self): """ The :py:class:`virial.VirialEquilibrium` instance associated with the stellar virialization process. """ if self._star_virial is None and "stellar_density" in self: self._star_virial = VirialEquilibrium(self, "stellar") return self._star_virial @property def properties(self): """ The properties of the :py:class:`model.ClusterModel` instance. When passed to the :py:class:`model.ClusterModel` object, the structure should be as a dictionary with the keys listed below and structure described therein. All of these are optional. Parameters ---------- gravity: dict or str If a string is passed, it should be a gravity name corresponding to the desired gravity theory. All other properties of the gravitational theory will be taken as the standard default. If the value is another dictionary, the name of the preferred gravitational theory should be associated with the key ``'name'``. Further parameters should be supplied as they are described in the documentation for the corresponding gravitational theory. Notes ----- In addition to the user specified properties, additional properties may be found in the ``'meth'`` key of the attribute. These are specified behind the scenes and dictate the behavior of certain backend behaviors. It is ill-advised to alter these properties without a thorough understanding of what they do. """ return self._properties
[docs] @classmethod def from_arrays(cls, fields, stellar_density=None, **kwargs): r""" Initialize the :py:class:`model.ClusterModel` from ``fields`` alone. Parameters ---------- fields: dict of str: :py:class:`unyt.array.unyt_array` The fields from which to generate the model. .. admonition:: development note The ``fields`` parameter must be self-consistent in its definition, and must contain a ``radius`` key, from which the class assesses the number of elements. stellar_density: radial_profiles.RadialProfile, optional The stellar density component. kwargs: Additional attributes to pass through to the :py:attr:`` attribute. Returns ------- ClusterModel See Also -------- :py:meth:`~model.ClusterModel.from_dens_and_tden`,:py:meth:`~model.ClusterModel.from_dens_and_temp`,:py:meth:`~model.ClusterModel.from_dens_and_entr`,:py:meth:`~model.ClusterModel.from_h5_file` """ kwargs = _force_method(kwargs, "from_arrays") kwargs["meth"]["profiles"] = {} if stellar_density is not None: kwargs["meth"]["profiles"]["stellar_density"] = stellar_density fields["stellar_density"] = stellar_density(fields["radius"].d) else: pass return cls(fields, properties=kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_h5_file(cls, filename, r_min=None, r_max=None): r""" Initialize a :py:class:`model.ClusterModel` instance from HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the file to read the model from. r_min: float, optional The minimum radius r_max: float, optional The maximal radius Notes ----- .. attention:: The :py:meth:`model.ClusterModel.from_h5_file` method will seek both ``filename`` and ````. If the later cannot be found, the :py:class:`model.ClusterModel` will lose its attributes and issue a warning. Examples -------- >>> from cluster_generator import ClusterModel >>> hse_model = ClusterModel.from_h5_file("hse_model.h5") """ import dill as pickle from cluster_generator.virial import VirialEquilibrium with h5py.File(filename, "r") as f: fnames = list(f["fields"].keys()) get_dm_virial = "dm_df" in f get_star_virial = "star_df" in f properties_path = f"{filename}.properties" try: with open(properties_path, "rb") as fpkl: attrs = pickle.load(fpkl) except FileNotFoundError: mylog.warning(f"Failed to load properties file {properties_path}.") attrs = {} except SystemError: mylog.warning("Loading pickled file from unmatched python version.") attrs = {} fields = OrderedDict() for field in fnames: a = unyt_array.from_hdf5(filename, dataset_name=field, group_name="fields") fields[field] = unyt_array(a.d, str(a.units)) if field not in cls._keep_units: fields[field].convert_to_base("galactic") if r_min is None: r_min = 0.0 if r_max is None: r_max = fields["radius"][-1].d * 2 mask = np.logical_and(fields["radius"].d >= r_min, fields["radius"].d <= r_max) for field in fnames: fields[field] = fields[field][mask] model = cls(fields, properties=attrs) if get_dm_virial: mask = np.logical_and( fields["radius"].d >= r_min, fields["radius"].d <= r_max ) df = unyt_array.from_hdf5(filename, dataset_name="dm_df")[mask] model._dm_virial = VirialEquilibrium(model, ptype="dark_matter", df=df) if get_star_virial: mask = np.logical_and( fields["radius"].d >= r_min, fields["radius"].d <= r_max ) df = unyt_array.from_hdf5(filename, dataset_name="star_df")[mask] model._star_virial = VirialEquilibrium(model, ptype="stellar", df=df) return model
@classmethod def _from_scratch(cls, fields, stellar_density=None, **kwargs): """Load the cluster instance from total density, total mass, and radius.""" rr = fields["radius"].d"Integrating gravitational potential profile.") tdens_func = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(rr, fields["total_density"].d) gpot_profile = lambda r: tdens_func(r) * r gpot1 = fields["total_mass"] / fields["radius"] gpot2 = unyt_array(4.0 * np.pi * integrate(gpot_profile, rr), "Msun/kpc") fields["gravitational_potential"] = -G * (gpot1 + gpot2) fields["gravitational_potential"].convert_to_units("kpc**2/Myr**2") if "density" in fields and "gas_mass" not in fields:"Integrating gas mass profile.") m0 = fields["density"].d[0] * rr[0] ** 3 / 3.0 fields["gas_mass"] = unyt_array( 4.0 * np.pi * cumtrapz(fields["density"] * rr * rr, x=rr, initial=0.0) + m0, "Msun", ) if stellar_density is not None: fields["stellar_density"] = unyt_array(stellar_density(rr), "Msun/kpc**3")"Integrating stellar mass profile.") fields["stellar_mass"] = unyt_array( integrate_mass(stellar_density, rr), "Msun" ) mdm = fields["total_mass"].copy() ddm = fields["total_density"].copy() if "density" in fields: mdm -= fields["gas_mass"] ddm -= fields["density"] if "stellar_mass" in fields: mdm -= fields["stellar_mass"] ddm -= fields["stellar_density"] fields["dark_matter_density"] = ddm fields["dark_matter_mass"] = mdm if "density" in fields: fields["gas_fraction"] = fields["gas_mass"] / fields["total_mass"] fields["electron_number_density"] = fields["density"].to( "cm**-3", "number_density", mu=mue ) fields["entropy"] = ( fields["temperature"] * fields["electron_number_density"] ** mtt ) return cls(fields, properties=kwargs)
[docs] def set_rmax(self, r_max): """ Truncate the model at a specified maximal radius. Parameters ---------- r_max: float The maximal radius at which to truncate. Returns ------- ClusterModel A new :py:class:`model.ClusterModel` instance with a truncated maximal radius. """ mask = self.fields["radius"].d <= r_max fields = {} for field in self.fields: fields[field] = self.fields[field][mask] num_elements = mask.sum() return ClusterModel( num_elements, fields, dm_virial=self.dm_virial, star_virial=self.star_virial )
[docs] def write_model_to_ascii(self, output_filename, in_cgs=False, overwrite=False): r""" Write the equilibrium model to an ascii text file. Uses AstroPy's `QTable` to write the file, so that units are included. Parameters ---------- output_filename : str The file to write the model to. in_cgs : bool, optional Whether to convert the units to cgs before writing. Default: False. overwrite : bool, optional Overwrite an existing file with the same name. Default: False. """ from astropy.table import QTable fields = {} for k, v in self.fields.items(): if in_cgs: if k == "temperature": fd = v.to_equivalent("K", "thermal") elif k not in self._keep_units: fd = v.in_cgs() else: fd = v else: fd = v fields[k] = fd.to_astropy() t = QTable(fields) t.meta["comments"] = f"unit_system={'cgs' if in_cgs else 'galactic'}" t.write(output_filename, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def write_model_to_h5( self, output_filename, in_cgs=False, r_min=None, r_max=None, overwrite=False ): r""" Write the equilibrium model to an HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- output_filename : str The file to write the model to. in_cgs : bool, optional Whether to convert the units to cgs before writing. Default False. overwrite : bool, optional Overwrite an existing file with the same name. Default False. r_min: float, optional The minimum radius to write too. r_max: float, optional The maximum radius to write too. """ if os.path.exists(output_filename) and not overwrite: raise IOError( f"Cannot create {output_filename}. It exists and " f"overwrite=False." ) f = h5py.File(output_filename, "w") f.create_dataset("num_elements", data=self.num_elements) f.close()["meth"]["in_cgs"] = in_cgs self._write_model_attrs(output_filename) if r_min is None: r_min = 0.0 if r_max is None: r_max = self.fields["radius"][-1].d * 2 mask = np.logical_and( self.fields["radius"].d >= r_min, self.fields["radius"].d <= r_max ) for k, v in self.fields.items(): if in_cgs: if k == "temperature": fd = v[mask].to_equivalent("K", "thermal") elif k not in self._keep_units: fd = v[mask].in_cgs() else: fd = v[mask] else: fd = v[mask] fd.write_hdf5(output_filename, dataset_name=k, group_name="fields") if getattr(self, "_dm_virial", None): fd = self.dm_virial.df fd.write_hdf5(output_filename, dataset_name="dm_df") if getattr(self, "_star_virial", None): fd = self.star_virial.df fd.write_hdf5(output_filename, dataset_name="star_df")
def _write_model_attrs(self, output_filename): """Write the model attributes to file.""" import dill as pickle with open(f"{output_filename}.properties", "wb") as atf: pickle.dump(, atf)
[docs] def write_model_to_binary( self, output_filename, fields_to_write=None, in_cgs=False, r_min=None, r_max=None, overwrite=False, ): """ Write the model to unformatted Fortran binary. .. attention:: But why would you want Fortran binary?? .. warning:: This procedure will lose all of the metadata from the ``self.gravity`` attribute and the ``self.attrs`` dictionary. As such, this should only be used in cases where the user can specify those properties manually upon reopening the file. Parameters ---------- output_filename: str The output filename. fields_to_write: list The list of field names to write. in_cgs: bool If ``True``, will write in cgs. r_min: float The minimum radius r_max: float The maximum radius overwrite: bool ``True`` will overwrite any existing file with the same path. Returns ------- None """ if fields_to_write is None: fields_to_write = list(self.fields.keys()) from import FortranFile if os.path.exists(output_filename) and not overwrite: raise IOError( f"Cannot create {output_filename}. It exists and " f"overwrite=False." ) if r_min is None: r_min = 0.0 if r_max is None: r_max = self.fields["radius"][-1].d * 2 mask = np.logical_and( self.fields["radius"].d >= r_min, self.fields["radius"].d <= r_max ) with FortranFile(output_filename, "w") as f: f.write_record(self.fields["radius"][mask].size) prof_rec = [] for k in fields_to_write: v = self.fields[k] if in_cgs: if k == "temperature": fd = v[mask].to_equivalent("K", "thermal") elif k not in self._keep_units: fd = v[mask].in_cgs() else: fd = v[mask] else: fd = v[mask] prof_rec.append(fd) f.write_record(np.array(prof_rec).T)
[docs] def set_field(self, name, value): r""" Set a field with name `name` to value `value`, which is an `unyt_array`. The array will be checked to make sure that it has the appropriate size. """ if not isinstance(value, unyt_array): raise TypeError("value needs to be an unyt_array") if value.size == self.num_elements: if name in self.fields: mylog.warning("Overwriting field %s." % name) self.fields[name] = value else: raise ValueError( f"The length of the array needs to be " f"{self.num_elements} elements!" )
[docs] @classmethod def from_dens_and_temp( cls, rmin, rmax, density, temperature, stellar_density=None, num_points=1000, **kwargs, ): """ Construct a hydrostatic equilibrium model using gas density and temperature profiles. Parameters ---------- rmin : float Minimum radius of profiles in kpc. rmax : float Maximum radius of profiles in kpc. density : :class:`~cluster_generator.radial_profiles.RadialProfile` A radial profile describing the gas mass density. temperature : :class:`~cluster_generator.radial_profiles.RadialProfile` A radial profile describing the gas temperature. stellar_density : :class:`~cluster_generator.radial_profiles.RadialProfile`, optional A radial profile describing the stellar mass density, if desired. num_points : integer, optional The number of points the profiles are evaluated at. """ kwargs = _force_method(kwargs, "from_dens_and_temp") kwargs["meth"]["profiles"] = { "temperature": temperature, "density": density, "stellar_density": stellar_density, }"Computing the profiles from density and temperature.") rr = np.logspace(np.log10(rmin), np.log10(rmax), num_points, endpoint=True) fields = OrderedDict() fields["radius"] = unyt_array(rr, "kpc") fields["density"] = unyt_array(density(rr), "Msun/kpc**3") fields["temperature"] = unyt_array(temperature(rr), "keV") fields["pressure"] = fields["density"] * fields["temperature"] fields["pressure"] /= mu * mp fields["pressure"].convert_to_units("Msun/(Myr**2*kpc)") pressure_spline = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(rr, fields["pressure"].d) dPdr = unyt_array(pressure_spline(rr, 1), "Msun/(Myr**2*kpc**2)") fields["gravitational_field"] = dPdr / fields["density"] fields["gravitational_field"].convert_to_units("kpc/Myr**2") fields["gas_mass"] = unyt_array(integrate_mass(density, rr), "Msun") fields["total_mass"] = ( -fields["radius"] ** 2 * fields["gravitational_field"] / G ) total_mass_spline = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(rr, fields["total_mass"].v) dMdr = unyt_array(total_mass_spline(rr, nu=1), "Msun/kpc") fields["total_density"] = dMdr / (4.0 * np.pi * fields["radius"] ** 2) return cls._from_scratch(fields, stellar_density=stellar_density, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dens_and_entr( cls, rmin, rmax, density, entropy, stellar_density=None, num_points=1000, **kwargs, ): """ Construct the model from density and entropy. Parameters ---------- rmin: float The minimum radius at which to compute rmax: float The maximum radius at which to compute. num_points: int The number of sample points. density: callable The gas density profile. entropy: callable The gas entropy profile. stellar_density: callable or unyt_array The stellar density profile. Returns ------- ClusterModel """ kwargs = _force_method(kwargs, "from_dens_and_entr") kwargs["meth"]["profiles"] = { "entropy": entropy, "density": density, "stellar_density": stellar_density, } n_e = density / (mue * mp * kpc_to_cm**3) temperature = entropy * n_e**tt return cls.from_dens_and_temp( rmin, rmax, density, temperature, stellar_density=stellar_density, num_points=num_points, **kwargs, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_dens_and_tden( cls, rmin, rmax, density, total_density, stellar_density=None, num_points=1000, **kwargs, ): """ Construct a hydrostatic equilibrium model using gas density and total density profiles Parameters ---------- rmin : float Minimum radius of profiles in kpc. rmax : float Maximum radius of profiles in kpc. density : :class:`~cluster_generator.radial_profiles.RadialProfile` A radial profile describing the gas mass density. total_density : :class:`~cluster_generator.radial_profiles.RadialProfile` A radial profile describing the total mass density. stellar_density : :class:`~cluster_generator.radial_profiles.RadialProfile`, optional A radial profile describing the stellar mass density, if desired. num_points : integer, optional The number of points the profiles are evaluated at. """ kwargs = _force_method(kwargs, "from_dens_and_tden") kwargs["meth"]["profiles"] = { "total_density": total_density, "density": density, "stellar_density": stellar_density, }"Computing the profiles from density and total density.") rr = np.logspace(np.log10(rmin), np.log10(rmax), num_points, endpoint=True) fields = OrderedDict() fields["radius"] = unyt_array(rr, "kpc") fields["density"] = unyt_array(density(rr), "Msun/kpc**3") fields["total_density"] = unyt_array(total_density(rr), "Msun/kpc**3")"Integrating total mass profile.") fields["total_mass"] = unyt_array(integrate_mass(total_density, rr), "Msun") fields["gas_mass"] = unyt_array(integrate_mass(density, rr), "Msun") fields["gravitational_field"] = ( -G * fields["total_mass"] / (fields["radius"] ** 2) ) fields["gravitational_field"].convert_to_units("kpc/Myr**2") g = fields["gravitational_field"].in_units("kpc/Myr**2").v g_r = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(rr, g) dPdr_int = lambda r: density(r) * g_r(r)"Integrating pressure profile.") P = -integrate(dPdr_int, rr) dPdr_int2 = lambda r: density(r) * g[-1] * (rr[-1] / r) ** 2 P -= quad(dPdr_int2, rr[-1], np.inf, limit=100)[0] fields["pressure"] = unyt_array(P, "Msun/kpc/Myr**2") fields["temperature"] = fields["pressure"] * mu * mp / fields["density"] fields["temperature"].convert_to_units("keV") return cls._from_scratch(fields, stellar_density=stellar_density, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def no_gas( cls, rmin, rmax, total_density, stellar_density=None, num_points=1000, **kwargs ): """ Initialize a :py:class:`model.ClusterModel` which is composed only of collisionless species. Parameters ---------- rmin : float Minimum radius of profiles in kpc. rmax : float Maximum radius of profiles in kpc. total_density : :class:`~cluster_generator.radial_profiles.RadialProfile` A radial profile describing the total mass density. stellar_density : :class:`~cluster_generator.radial_profiles.RadialProfile`, optional A radial profile describing the stellar mass density, if desired. num_points : integer, optional The number of points the profiles are evaluated at. kwargs: Additional keywords to pass to the properties of the resulting instance. Returns ------- :py:class:`model.ClusterModel` """ kwargs = _force_method(kwargs, "no_gas") kwargs["meth"]["profiles"] = { "total_density": total_density, "stellar_density": stellar_density, } rr = np.logspace(np.log10(rmin), np.log10(rmax), num_points, endpoint=True) fields = OrderedDict() fields["radius"] = unyt_array(rr, "kpc") fields["total_density"] = unyt_array(total_density(rr), "Msun/kpc**3")"Integrating total mass profile.") fields["total_mass"] = unyt_array(integrate_mass(total_density, rr), "Msun") fields["gravitational_field"] = ( -G * fields["total_mass"] / (fields["radius"] ** 2) ) fields["gravitational_field"].convert_to_units("kpc/Myr**2") return cls._from_scratch(fields, stellar_density=stellar_density, **kwargs)
[docs] def find_field_at_radius(self, field, r): """ Find the value of a *field* in the profiles at radius *r*. """ return unyt_array(np.interp(r, self["radius"], self[field]), self[field].units)
[docs] def check_hse(self): r""" Determine the deviation of the model from hydrostatic equilibrium. Returns ------- chk : NumPy array An array containing the relative deviation from hydrostatic equilibrium as a function of radius. """ if "pressure" not in self.fields: raise RuntimeError("This ClusterModel contains no gas!") rr = self.fields["radius"].v pressure_spline = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(rr, self.fields["pressure"].v) dPdx = unyt_array(pressure_spline(rr, 1), "Msun/(Myr**2*kpc**2)") rhog = self.fields["density"] * self.fields["gravitational_field"] chk = dPdx - rhog chk /= rhog "The maximum relative deviation of this profile from " "hydrostatic equilibrium is %g", np.abs(chk).max(), ) return chk
[docs] def check_dm_virial(self): """Equivalent to ``self.dm_virial.check_virial``""" return self.dm_virial.check_virial()
[docs] def check_star_virial(self): """Equivalent to ``self.star_virial.check_virial``""" if self._star_virial is None: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot check the virial equilibrium of " "the stars because there are no stars in " "this model!" ) return self.star_virial.check_virial()
[docs] def set_magnetic_field_from_beta(self, beta, gaussian=True): """ Set a magnetic field radial profile from a plasma beta parameter, assuming beta = p_th/p_B. The field can be set in Gaussian or Lorentz-Heaviside (dimensionless) units. Parameters ---------- beta : float The ratio of the thermal pressure to the magnetic pressure. gaussian : boolean, optional Set the field in Gaussian units such that p_B = B^2/(8*pi), otherwise p_B = B^2/2. Default: True """ B = np.sqrt(2.0 * self["pressure"] / beta) if gaussian: B *= np.sqrt(4.0 * np.pi) B.convert_to_units("gauss") self.set_field("magnetic_field_strength", B)
[docs] def set_magnetic_field_from_density(self, B0, eta=2.0 / 3.0, gaussian=True): """ Set a magnetic field radial profile assuming it is proportional to some power of the density, usually 2/3. The field can be set in Gaussian or Lorentz-Heaviside (dimensionless) units. Parameters ---------- B0 : float The central magnetic field strength in units of gauss. eta : float, optional The power of the density which the field is proportional to. Default: 2/3. gaussian : boolean, optional Set the field in Gaussian units such that p_B = B^2/(8*pi), otherwise p_B = B^2/2. Default: True """ B0 = ensure_ytquantity(B0, "gauss") B = B0 * (self["density"] / self["density"][0]) ** eta if not gaussian: B /= np.sqrt(4.0 * np.pi) self.set_field("magnetic_field_strength", B)
[docs] def generate_tracer_particles( self, num_particles, r_max=None, sub_sample=1, prng=None ): """ Generate a set of tracer particles based on the gas distribution. Parameters ---------- num_particles : integer The number of particles to generate. r_max : float, optional The maximum radius in kpc within which to generate particle positions. If not supplied, it will generate positions out to the maximum radius available. Default: None sub_sample : integer, optional This option allows one to generate a sub-sample of unique particle radii, densities, and energies which will then be repeated to fill the required number of particles. Default: 1, which means no sub-sampling. prng : :class:`~numpy.random.RandomState` object, integer, or None A pseudo-random number generator. Typically will only be specified if you have a reason to generate the same set of random numbers, such as for a test. Default is None, which sets the seed based on the system time. """ from cluster_generator.utils import parse_prng prng = parse_prng(prng)"We will be assigning %d tracer particles.", num_particles)"Compute particle positions.") num_particles_sub = num_particles // sub_sample radius_sub, mtot = generate_particle_radii( self["radius"].d, self["gas_mass"].d, num_particles_sub, r_max=r_max, prng=prng, ) if sub_sample > 1: radius = np.tile(radius_sub, sub_sample)[:num_particles] else: radius = radius_sub theta = np.arccos(prng.uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0, size=num_particles)) phi = 2.0 * np.pi * prng.uniform(size=num_particles) fields = OrderedDict() fields["tracer", "particle_position"] = unyt_array( [ radius * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi), radius * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi), radius * np.cos(theta), ], "kpc", ).T fields["tracer", "particle_velocity"] = unyt_array( np.zeros(fields["tracer", "particle_position"].shape), "kpc/Myr" ) fields["tracer", "particle_mass"] = unyt_array(np.zeros(num_particles), "Msun") return ClusterParticles("tracer", fields)
[docs] def generate_gas_particles( self, num_particles, r_max=None, sub_sample=1, compute_potential=False, prng=None, ): """ Generate a set of gas particles in hydrostatic equilibrium. Parameters ---------- num_particles : integer The number of particles to generate. r_max : float, optional The maximum radius in kpc within which to generate particle positions. If not supplied, it will generate positions out to the maximum radius available. Default: None sub_sample : integer, optional This option allows one to generate a sub-sample of unique particle radii, densities, and energies which will then be repeated to fill the required number of particles. Default: 1, which means no sub-sampling. compute_potential : boolean, optional If True, the gravitational potential for each particle will be computed. Default: False prng : :class:`~numpy.random.RandomState` object, integer, or None A pseudo-random number generator. Typically will only be specified if you have a reason to generate the same set of random numbers, such as for a test. Default is None, which sets the seed based on the system time. """ from cluster_generator.utils import parse_prng prng = parse_prng(prng)"We will be assigning %d gas particles.", num_particles)"Compute particle positions.") num_particles_sub = num_particles // sub_sample radius_sub, mtot = generate_particle_radii( self["radius"].d, self["gas_mass"].d, num_particles_sub, r_max=r_max, prng=prng, ) if sub_sample > 1: radius = np.tile(radius_sub, sub_sample)[:num_particles] else: radius = radius_sub theta = np.arccos(prng.uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0, size=num_particles)) phi = 2.0 * np.pi * prng.uniform(size=num_particles) fields = OrderedDict() fields["gas", "particle_position"] = unyt_array( [ radius * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi), radius * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi), radius * np.cos(theta), ], "kpc", ).T"Compute particle thermal energies, densities, and masses.") e_arr = 1.5 * self.fields["pressure"] / self.fields["density"] get_energy = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(self.fields["radius"], e_arr) if sub_sample > 1: energy = np.tile(get_energy(radius_sub), sub_sample)[:num_particles] else: energy = get_energy(radius) fields["gas", "thermal_energy"] = unyt_array(energy, "kpc**2/Myr**2") fields["gas", "particle_mass"] = unyt_array( [mtot / num_particles] * num_particles, "Msun" ) get_density = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( self.fields["radius"], self.fields["density"] ) if sub_sample > 1: density = np.tile(get_density(radius_sub), sub_sample)[:num_particles] else: density = get_density(radius) fields["gas", "density"] = unyt_array(density, "Msun/kpc**3")"Set particle velocities to zero.") fields["gas", "particle_velocity"] = unyt_array( np.zeros((num_particles, 3)), "kpc/Myr" ) if compute_potential: energy_spline = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( self["radius"].d, -self["gravitational_potential"] ) phi = -energy_spline(radius_sub) if sub_sample > 1: phi = np.tile(phi, sub_sample) fields["gas", "particle_potential"] = unyt_array(phi, "kpc**2/Myr**2") return ClusterParticles("gas", fields)
[docs] def generate_dm_particles( self, num_particles, r_max=None, sub_sample=1, compute_potential=False, prng=None, ): """ Generate a set of dark matter particles in virial equilibrium. Parameters ---------- num_particles : integer The number of particles to generate. r_max : float, optional The maximum radius in kpc within which to generate particle positions. If not supplied, it will generate positions out to the maximum radius available. Default: None sub_sample : integer, optional This option allows one to generate a sub-sample of unique particle radii and velocities which will then be repeated to fill the required number of particles. Default: 1, which means no sub-sampling. compute_potential : boolean, optional If True, the gravitational potential for each particle will be computed. Default: False prng : :class:`~numpy.random.RandomState` object, integer, or None A pseudo-random number generator. Typically will only be specified if you have a reason to generate the same set of random numbers, such as for a test. Default is None, which sets the seed based on the system time. Returns ------- particles : :class:`~cluster_generator.particles.ClusterParticles` A set of dark matter particles. """ return self.dm_virial.generate_particles( num_particles, r_max=r_max, sub_sample=sub_sample, compute_potential=compute_potential, prng=prng, )
[docs] def generate_star_particles( self, num_particles, r_max=None, sub_sample=1, compute_potential=False, prng=None, ): """ Generate a set of star particles in virial equilibrium. Parameters ---------- num_particles : integer The number of particles to generate. r_max : float, optional The maximum radius in kpc within which to generate particle positions. If not supplied, it will generate positions out to the maximum radius available. Default: None sub_sample : integer, optional This option allows one to generate a sub-sample of unique particle radii and velocities which will then be repeated to fill the required number of particles. Default: 1, which means no sub-sampling. compute_potential : boolean, optional If True, the gravitational potential for each particle will be computed. Default: False prng : :class:`~numpy.random.RandomState` object, integer, or None A pseudo-random number generator. Typically will only be specified if you have a reason to generate the same set of random numbers, such as for a test. Default is None, which sets the seed based on the system time. Returns ------- particles : :class:`~cluster_generator.particles.ClusterParticles` A set of star particles. """ return self.star_virial.generate_particles( num_particles, r_max=r_max, sub_sample=sub_sample, compute_potential=compute_potential, prng=prng, )
[docs] @_enforce_style def plot( self, field, r_min=None, r_max=None, fig=None, ax=None, defaults=None, **kwargs ): """ Plot a field vs radius from this model using Matplotlib. Parameters ---------- field : string The field to plot. r_min : float The minimum radius of the plot in kpc. r_max : float The maximum radius of the plot in kpc. fig : Matplotlib Figure The figure to plot in. Default; None, in which case one will be generated. ax : Matplotlib Axes The axes to plot in. Default: None, in which case one will be generated. defaults: dict A dictionary containing defaults for the specific field. This is loaded by default if left unset. The dictionary must contain keys ``'label','scale','revision'``. ``label`` must be a string with a formatting character of the form ``"%(units)s"``; the scale make be any valid input to ``ax.set_yscale``, and the revision should be 1 if the plot should be left as normal and ``-1`` if the plot should be flipped over the x axis (gravitational potential). Returns ------- The Figure, Axes tuple used for the plot. """ import pathlib as pt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) if ax is None: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if defaults is None: # Loading the plot defaults _config_directory = os.path.join( pt.Path(__file__).parents[0], "bin", "resources", "plot_defaults.yaml" ) with open(_config_directory, "r") as f: plt_defaults = yaml.load(f, yaml.FullLoader) defaults = plt_defaults[field] if "kwargs" in defaults: for k, v in defaults["kwargs"]: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = v ax.loglog( self["radius"], defaults["revision"] * self[field], **kwargs ) # revision flips negative plots. ax.set_xlim(r_min, r_max) ax.set_yscale(defaults["scale"]) ax.set_ylabel( defaults["label"] % {"unit": self[field].units.latex_representation()} ) ax.set_xlabel( r"Radius / $\left[%(unit)s\right]$" % {"unit": self["radius"].units.latex_representation()} ) return fig, ax
[docs] @_enforce_style def panel_plot( self, fields="all", r_min=None, r_max=None, fig=None, axes=None, aspect_ratio=1, base_length=3, gs_kwargs=None, **kwargs, ): """ Plot all of the selected fields in a grid of axes. Useful for checking for non-physical issues and getting a general impression of the generated model. Parameters ---------- fields: list or str The fields to include in the plot. If ``fields="all"``, then all of the fields available will be plotted. Otherwise, ``fields`` should be a list of field names. r_min: float or int, optional The minimum radius (kpc) from which to plot. Determined if not specified. r_max: float or int, optional The maximum radius (kpc) from which to plot. Determined if not specified. fig: :py:class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure`, optional A :py:class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance onto which to place the plots. If not specified, a fresh one will be generated. .. warning:: If a figure is specified but the axes are not specified, then this will overwrite / cover up any pre-existing plots on those axes. axes: dict of str: :py:class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional The axes onto which the plots should be drawn. These should be organized as a dictionary with keys corresponding to the field name belonging to the plot and the corresponding axes on which that plot is drawn. If not specified, a grid is generated on the figure and subdivided to facilitate the drawing. aspect_ratio: float, optional The aspect ratio of the individual subplots. base_length: float, optional The base length of each plot. Used to determine rest of the geometry. gs_kwargs: dict, optional additional kwargs to pass to the :py:class:`matplotlib.figure.GridSpec` instance. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments which are to be passed directly to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. There are several formatting options for these keyword arguments and the behavior depends on their format. - If the kwarg values are :py:class:`dict`, then they should have keys corresponding to the different fields and those kwargs will be passed to the field plot. If a key is missing, then no kwargs are passed for that setting. - If kwarg values are not dictionaries, they will be applied uniformly across all of the subplots. Returns ------- :py:class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` The figure corresponding to the plot. :py:class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` The axes dictionary corresponding to the plot """ import pathlib as pt from itertools import product import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Loading the plot defaults _config_directory = os.path.join( pt.Path(__file__).parents[0], "bin", "resources", "plot_defaults.yaml" ) with open(_config_directory, "r") as f: plt_defaults = yaml.load(f, yaml.FullLoader) if fields == "all": fields = [i for i in self.fields.keys()] else: assert isinstance( fields, (list, tuple) ), "The fields must be specified as an array or a tuple." if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() if axes is None: axes = {} r, c = _closest_factors(len(fields)) # computing the figure behavior h = (1 / (1 - 0.16)) * r * aspect_ratio * base_length w = ((1 + 0.2) / (1 - 0.16)) * c * base_length fig.set_figwidth(w) fig.set_figheight(h) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.99, top=0.99, bottom=0.05) if gs_kwargs is None: gs_kwargs = {} gridspec = fig.add_gridspec(r, c, **gs_kwargs) gspec_it = product(range(0, r), range(0, c)) for gi, fi in zip(gspec_it, fields): ri, ci = gi axes[fi] = fig.add_subplot(gridspec[ri, ci]) else: assert all(i in axes for i in fields), "Some fields do not have axes." for field, ax in axes.items(): tmp_kwargs = { k: (v[field] if isinstance(v, dict) else v) for k, v in kwargs.items() } self.plot( field, r_min=r_min, r_max=r_max, fig=fig, ax=ax, defaults=plt_defaults[field], **tmp_kwargs, ) return fig, axes
[docs] def mass_in_radius(self, radius): """Determine the mass within a given radius.""" masses = {} r = self.fields["radius"].to_value("kpc") for mtype in ["total", "gas", "dark_matter", "stellar"]: if f"{mtype}_mass" in self.fields: masses[mtype] = self.fields[f"{mtype}_mass"][r < radius][-1] return masses
[docs] def find_radius_for_density(self, density): """Determine the radius at which the model reaches the specified density""" density = ensure_ytquantity(density, "Msun/kpc**3").value r = self.fields["radius"].to_value("kpc")[::-1] d = self.fields["density"].to_value("Msun/kpc**3")[::-1] return unyt_quantity(np.interp(density, d, r), "kpc")
[docs] def create_dataset( self, domain_dimensions, box_size=None, left_edge=None, velocity=None, **kwargs ): """ .. warning:: This method can be memory intensive. We suggest being conservative in your choice of domain size to begin in order to avoid OOM issues. For reference, a domain dimension of ``[500,500,500]`` will take appox. 3Gb / field. Create an in-memory, uniformly gridded dataset in 3D using yt by placing the cluster into a box. Parameters ---------- domain_dimensions : 3-tuple of ints The number of cells on a side for the domain. box_size : float, optional The size of the box in kpc. If not specified, will default to the size of the cluster. left_edge : array_like, optional The minimum coordinate of the box in all three dimensions, in kpc. Default: None, which means the left edge will be [-r,-r,-r]. velocity: unyt_array, optional The velocity of the cluster relative to the frame of the box. Default is 0. If specified, must be a 1X3 array. """ import gc from yt.loaders import load_uniform_grid from cluster_generator.data_structures import build_yt_dataset_fields from cluster_generator.utils import mylog"Loading yt dataset of {self}...") if box_size is None: box_size = 2 * np.amax(self["radius"].d) # Dealing with the left edge of the domain. if left_edge is None: left_edge = -np.amax(box_size / 2) * np.ones(3) left_edge = np.array(left_edge) # Building the boundary box bbox = [ [left_edge[0], left_edge[0] + box_size], [left_edge[1], left_edge[1] + box_size], [left_edge[2], left_edge[2] + box_size], ] # Creating the underlying meshgrid try: x, y, z = np.mgrid[ bbox[0][0] : bbox[0][1] : domain_dimensions[0] * 1j, bbox[1][0] : bbox[1][1] : domain_dimensions[1] * 1j, bbox[2][0] : bbox[2][1] : domain_dimensions[2] * 1j, ] except MemoryError as err: raise MemoryError( f"Failed to allocate memory for the grid. Error msg = {err.__str__()}." ) gc.collect() data = build_yt_dataset_fields( [x, y, z], [self], domain_dimensions, unyt_array([[0, 0, 0]], "kpc"), velocity if velocity is not None else unyt_array([[0, 0, 0]], "kpc/Myr"), ) gc.collect() return load_uniform_grid( data, domain_dimensions, length_unit="kpc", bbox=np.array(bbox), mass_unit="Msun", time_unit="Myr", **kwargs, )
@property def is_physical(self): """ Determines if the :py:class:`model.ClusterModel` instance is physically realizable. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if the system is physically realizable, ``False`` otherwise. Notes ----- See the documentation on correcting non-physical regions. This method uses the fact that all non-physicalities in the system is manifested in the dynamical density. The algorithm therefore checks the dynamical density for signs of non-physicality and returns the results. """ density_fields = [ v.d for k, v in self.fields.items() if k in ["dark_matter_density", "density", "stellar_density"] ] # Correcting negative values for i, arr in enumerate(density_fields): density_fields[i][np.where(arr < 0)] = 0 critical_density = np.sum([k for k in density_fields], axis=0) if np.any(np.where(~np.isclose(critical_density, self["total_density"].v))): # There is missing mass or too much mass. return False else: # There is no mass differential. return True
[docs] def correct(self, mode="minimal"): """ Correct the :py:class:`model.ClusterModel` instance. The ``mode`` kwarg may be used to determine the precise algorithm that is used to complete the correction. Parameters ---------- mode: str The algorithm to use for correction. Options are ``minimal`` and ``smooth``. If ``minimal``, then the dynamical density is replaced with the minimum allowed consistent value but may lack smoothness. If ``smooth``, then a smooth monotone interpolation scheme is used. Returns ------- :py:class:`model.ClusterModel` """ if self.is_physical:"No corrections were necessary, returned copy...") return self density_fields = { k: v.d for k, v in self.fields.items() if ("density" in k) and (k != "total_density") } critical_density = np.sum( np.array([u for u in density_fields.values()]), axis=0 ) if mode == "minimal": self.fields["total_density"][ np.where(self.fields["total_density"].d < critical_density) ] = critical_density * (1.01) if "density" in["meth"]["profiles"]: density_function =["meth"]["profiles"]["density"] else: density_function = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( self["radius"].d, self["density"].d ) total_density_function = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( self["radius"].d, self["total_density"].d ) elif mode == "smooth": from cluster_generator.numeric import hfa self.fields["total_density"][ np.where(self.fields["total_density"].d < critical_density) ] = critical_density * (1.01) u = np.log10(self["radius"].d) v = np.log10(self["total_density"].d) _u, _v = hfa(u, v, 50) _y = 10 ** (_v) if "density" in["meth"]["profiles"]: density_function =["meth"]["profiles"]["density"] else: density_function = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( self["radius"].d, self["density"].d ) total_density_function = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(self["radius"].d, _y) else: raise ValueError(f"The correction mode {mode} is not a valid mode.") return ClusterModel.from_dens_and_tden( np.amin(self["radius"]), np.amax(self["radius"]), density_function, total_density_function,["meth"]["profiles"]["stellar_density"], num_points=len(self["radius"]), )
# This is only for backwards-compatibility
[docs] class HydrostaticEquilibrium(ClusterModel): """Equivalent to :py:class:`ClusterModel`""" pass
def _force_method(dictionary, meth): if "meth" in dictionary: if "method" in dictionary["meth"]: pass else: dictionary["meth"]["method"] = meth else: dictionary["meth"] = {"method": meth} return dictionary